reflections on music, politics, life, scenes and dreams

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

brief politics rant

feel the crisp air and the crunch of leaves beneath your feet and listen to the sounds of partisan attacks on teevee and you know what time of year it must be: fall? well yes, but also--it's almost election day (woopee).

watched the gubernatorial debate tonight on teevee. not impressed by either of the candidates involved in the debate (of course the third party candidates weren't invited)... neither did anything to make me totally against them. i'm leaning democratic (my brain somewhat, my knee moreso), but i may just vote green as a statement that neither of the major party candidates will do much more good or harm to the state of the state than the other will...

ho hum

but here's the rant portion. i'm really getting to a severe point of frustration with the dems. i mean, i disagree with republicans on pretty much every major issue, but the dems have done nothing over the last four, six, whatever years to make me think they'll govern much better. and their tactics for getting elected are total shite. take, for instance, a sign i saw today as i was coming home from an exercise in futility. it said (and this isn't an exact quote, but close enough):

"bush did nothing about 9/11; bush did nothing about katrina; and five years later, where's osama? vote democrats in and hold bush accountable"

and above that was a sign saying:

"vote to impeach, vote democrat."

to which i say "f-- you!!!" russ feingold of wisconsin brought up impeachment a year or two ago and was treated like a leper. the democrats helped vote for the war in iraq--and many still act like it was the proper thing to do... since when is proper determined by popularity?

i was against iraq before we went in because that target was in bush's best interests, not america's. it took poll after poll before democrats came out against it, and even now there's some split in the ranks. they will win one, if not both, house(s) of congress, but not because they earned it--no, it's only because the hubris of the republicans can no longer be hidden under the thin sheet of jingoism. the foley scandal? chump change to me, but the american people can wrap their 30-second soundbite brains around it, so it's selling democrat votes. look, pedophelia's bad, i'm not arguing that it ain't, but that's not a compelling reason for me to vote for democrats... but the dems aren't giving me much to work with.

the democrats just seem to be the other side of the same coin... bought by the same corporate donors to do well by the corporations. this country doesn't care about its people... the moneyed elite are all that matter, and their greed will be all of our downfall.

woops! kinda took a wrong turn there.

what i mean to say is, "this november 7, vote for change, vote for..." ahhh, fuck 'em.

it just bugs me.


Blogger princess slea said...

hey...I know I posted a comment on here the other day. it disappeared.

3:56 PM

Blogger leomange said...

that's odd. it didn't make it to my e-mail either. i'm interested in what you had to say, and i know not what happened to your original comment.

re-post it if you like, or just stay tuned for my next, more thought-out/less off the cuff diatribe... or a post about something completely different, i don't know which.

1:58 PM


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