reflections on music, politics, life, scenes and dreams

Saturday, October 14, 2006

two posts in one day. who says i'm not a prolific writer?

portland is so freaking cool--

that it has turned me into an old lady...

because today, after work, i went antique-ing. oh yes i did. i live in a cool neighborhood with a bunch of random shops, and the bus let me off in front of an antique store and something random caught my eye and i had to go in. kind of amazing what passes for antiques these days (or maybe it's just this town, i don't know). so there i was, dead tired after 3 long days of work, giggling my way through the aisles. saw a hat i'd like to get, but my big ole irish melon wasn't gonna fit in a medium. there were old rolling stone magazines that were printed on newspaper paper, not all glossy like we have today. and "classic" playboys (i had to restrain myself from the bo derek one cuz i'm sure it'll be worth more than 8 bucks after hefner passes away). and an end-table/lamp that was just too much form and function. and so many other various knick-knacks that i can't even remember it all. oh yeah, can't leave out the nixon second-term button for laughs, and the zappa album that i hope to get for my friend butler back in denver.

then i went to another store where i bought a cool lamp recently and found that this really cool wooden easle was sold. it's too rich for my blood at the moment, but it would be a great buy either for me to aspire to art or to give to a friend who actually does art--but you snooze you lose i guess.

then i went to this cool hippy-dippy shop that had some sweet lamps and furniture and wooden sculptures (and some bronze ones). and so forth. they have these amazing root tables that i would love to get, but they're really expensive. they're multi-tiered, imported from bali, absolutely beautiful, and anywhere from 700 to 1200 dollars(!!!). gonna have to get either a great job or a rich woman, and soon!

did i mention that all three stores are within a block of each other, and within 2 or 3 blocks of me? cuz they are. i love my neighborhood. of course, not all of portland is like my neighborhood, but there's something for pretty much everyone.

[excerpted from an e-mail to a friend that i thought i'd share with more friends]


Blogger princess slea said...

sounds like a lovely day. antique stores around here are aplenty. our area is kind of known for it and people come from far and wide to go "antiquing."

i bought an old election button that says "I like Ike and Dick."

9:12 AM

Blogger leomange said...

it was fun. i hope i can get out of window-shopping mode soon since there is so much cool stuff. and if i walk another 3 blocks west there's a bunch of other shops to check out, new, used, and whatever else. ultimately i'd like to buy a house in a couple of years and this neighborhood is very pricey... i almost would rather keep on renting here than have to drive back for all this neighborhood has to offer... oh well, that's the future, and i'm just enjoying the present.

the nixon button, i forget exactly what it said, but it was something along the lines of: "nixon, by now it should be obvious" or something along those lines--you know, he's done such a great job so far so why even question voting for him. my limited knowledge of history makes me read it as dripping with irony. too funny!

2:47 PM


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