reflections on music, politics, life, scenes and dreams

Monday, June 12, 2006

my plea to the media re: al zarqawi's death

dear media,

it seems american forces have killed the number one enemy in iraq. i get it, and for what it is i suppose it's good--at least they hit their target, and i won't argue that he wasn't a bad man. and early on it seemed that you were exercising a modicum of good taste, for which i applaud you. but it seems that you have given up good taste for the sensational. believe me, i'm not surprised, but also believe that i'm disgusted and would like to make a small request.

STOP PLASTERING HIS BLOATED DEAD MELON ALL OVER YOUR REPORTS! you said he was dead, and i understood. much like with saddam's sons, you seem to be getting some morbid jollies off of showing pictoral evidence of this death. i know you aren't trying to be respectful of al zarqawi or his family or his people, but you have trampled, spat and vomitted upon the line of good taste. and i for one don't need to see it when i'm watching/reading the news. i get it!

i could go on, but i think that sums it up pretty well.

with more respect than you're bestowing upon your audience,



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