reflections on music, politics, life, scenes and dreams

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

post #50

blogger claims this is my fiftieth post. my how the hits keep coming...

i wish i knew what i wanted. it would make getting it that much easier.

an interesting couple of days at work have left me drained and in need of written release. so here goes: no matter how good work is, it still sucks; i can always find better things to do with my time. but i've got a good gig going for the most part. sure, the job has its monotony, but it's got good people that i get along with. henry ford showed us that we work really efficiently with repetitious tasks, therefore it's nearly impossible to see a task through from start to finish. so as cogs in the machine go, i'm a pretty happy cog. decent pay, interesting co-workers, and tasks that are sometimes almost vaguely challenging (in a tedious sorta way).

i realized today, though, that i've been working too hard for my position, and in the process have been wasting some time while falling behind. apparently it was noticed, but taken as slowness--turns out i didn't know what was expected of me so i erred on the overworking side.

oh well.

i had a dream last night...

after the crisis and a portion of the resolution (more resolved as of this morning) i dreamed of myself in a basement brewing coffee. the coffee filter cup overflowed and i went to get a towel to clean it up but got distracted.

apparently from the dream defining sources (yes, plural), coffee denotes social stuff and i can't find the other aspects. overflow could be greatness, but the mess aspect... i don't know. can't seem to come to terms with it, but it's happened in real life, and i've actually had variations on this dream before. but i don't remember what was going on in my life when the variations happened. i... don't... know...

i'm tired. if i could get to work earlier i could have longer lunches, which would do wonders for my sanity. i don't need a siesta, but actual relaxation with lunch would be nice. plus, i have a couple books i'm working on. i could stand to read them.

happy fiftieth post everybody. here's to fifty more (in less time hopefully).


Blogger princess slea said...

your dream sounds like chaos to me. like your subconscious is out of control.
or it could be that you saw somebody spill coffee and they didn't clean it up.
or maybe you need to clean up your basement.

remember to breathe.

10:29 AM

Blogger leomange said...

not really sure about your interpretation, but thanks for the attempt. and thanks for the reminder. breathing is good...

10:43 PM

Blogger Helskel said...

it depends what coffee means to you, ... and work the symbol from there.

does coffee mean a 'break' for you?

perhaps it has portent for your discussion of longer lunches, etc.

10:18 AM


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