reflections on music, politics, life, scenes and dreams

Friday, January 12, 2007


hola amigos,
i know it's been awhile since i rapped at ya. but it's been crazy followed by nuts here at casa de mange...

i'm up past my bedtime, but that's due to some serious napping that happened tonight. not sure what that was about. i slept plenty last night, and had a late office opening due to "inclement weather." my neighborhood had a dusting of snow, but i suppose many people live at higher elevations where the snow and ice was more severe. anyway, i took advantage of one of the two hours because free time is cool, but i haven't been there long enough to be compensated with sick time or what not... and to be quite honest, i got bored. like i said to my co-workers who took full advantage of the two hours, "i don't have any pets or significant others to keep me entertained." and i would've gone in at my regular time had i not been call by my boss letting me know we had a 2-hour delay (which i believed but had to check for myself since my neighborhood looked like any other morning).

bush talked last night, but i didn't see it. i'm not sure exactly what time he did it, but i was either commuting home or walking up mount tabor when he spoke. i tried to read the transcript at work but the magic wasn't there. first, the media already leaked the big surprise--we're changing course in iraq from too many to too many more. and secondly, my eyes glazed over about halfway through. i like to be informed in my life, and especially when i criticize the chimp, but apparently i just don't care enough now. i still plan to watch the state of the union--perhaps that'll inspire more angst or scheudenfreude, but we'll just have to see i guess...

my coworker told me that the minimum wage increase was voted basically down party lines, which i tried to confirm with google, but teh internets seems to have made google less efficient. anyway, if anyone could give a link to the roll call on that that'd be cool. regardless, if the republican minority really did vote overwhelmingly against an increase in the minimum wage then i must thank them for distancing themselves further from american popular opinion. not that i'm a staunch democrat, or at all comforted by our "two-party" system, but lesser-of-two-evilism requires a lesser of the two evils.

well, that's it for now. i guess i'll read something or watch some crappy tv and hopefully go to sleep soon.


Blogger Helskel said...


well put sir!

7:41 AM


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