reflections on music, politics, life, scenes and dreams

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Oh, why the hell not?

a politics post...

Despite the inherent flaws of the corporate duopoly that's in place, I've been following the Democratic race closely (perhaps a little too closely?). I'll be upfront from the get-go that-surprise, surprise-I support Obama out of the two remaining candidates. I don't have any illusions that he'd make a perfect president, or that he'd make all of our woes go away with the waving of some magic wand. I just think that his strengths (creating unity, getting out an enthusiastic youth vote, creating a vague sense of hope in thousands or millions, etc.) outshine Clinton's claimed strengths (experience, toughness). While, admittedly, I'm skeptical about her strengths, I have to say that her weaknesses are quite troubling. She's divisive, and would inspire the right to vote against her more than the left to vote for her. She says she can beat McCain because of toughness, but I think Obama can beat McCain based on message and excitement.

The previous paragraph was in the interest of full disclosure. Now for what I really want to say.

the question of re-vote in fla. and mich.

It would be wrong to re-vote in Florida and Michigan. Not because Obama "lost", or Clinton "won" the first time around, but because before they changed the dates of their primaries, the Democrats said they'd strip them of their delegates. They changed the dates anyway. Anybody voting in those primaries should have known that their votes would not be counted and that they were exercising futility by going to the ballot box (some would say it's futile to vote at all in this system, but that's another post).

So they should have another chance, in a later primary, to have their votes counted, the argument goes. This doesn't fly for me. Not just because Obama "didn't win" (he wasn't even on the ballot in one, and did no campaigning in either). It's for two reasons, one that should appeal strongly to Democrats, and the other that should appeal to anyone, but especially parents or anyone with even a remote understanding of Psychology.

1) For the Dems.: a re-vote should not happen because that changes the rules in the middle of the game, something Dems. should be mindful of, particularly after the debacle in Florida in 2000.

2) For everyone: a re-vote shouldn't be aloud because Michigan and Florida were told in the first place there'd be consequences if they moved up the dates of their primaries. They did it anyway. Now that it might "affect" the outcome, the DNC (DLC?) is trying to come up with ways of giving them back their delegates. This is analogous to Parenting 101: hollow threats don't teach children to obey their parents. Whether it's beneficial in the moment to show leniency to one's child, the message it sends is that the rules are flexible if mom or dad can justify it later on. Parents should be open to debate, but once they make a rule, they need to be steadfast about the consequences. The Democrats said not before such-and-such date, and need to stick to that. Or the message becomes, don't listen to our edicts, we can always change them if it serves our selfish interests.

They probably shouldn't have stripped these states of their delegates in the first place, but that's hindsight. It has bitten them in the ass, but fairness (that oh-so-Democratic value) dictates that they lay in the bed they made.

Look, I'm not registered as a Democrat in Oregon, and it looks like Oregon will play a role in the convention and the selection of a candidate. Oregon does a closed primary. Therefore, I won't be voting in Oregon's primary. That's the rule, and I'm fine with it. If it gives Clinton a rise in delegate numbers, so be it. But I won't compromise my independence. It's a rule I've made for myself, and one I live by. The Democrats need to follow the rules they make, or deal with the accusations of hypocrisy that will inevitably hit the mark.

That said, whatever happens, I'll have my say in November. For what it's worth.


Blogger princess slea said...

i'm sure when the democratic party said those two states "wouldn't count", they had NO idea how close the race would be. now that each state is so important, the democratic party is like "oh shit, we really need those delegates now." (whomever they might ultimately be for)
i don't think they are looking at changing the rules because those people of those states are screaming "we want a do-over", i think they are looking at changing the punishment because it's necessary at this point in the race to have ALL delegates count in order to determine the rightful candidate.

as for Obama's "strengths" hmmmm. REALLY, what is so great about having the "youth" come out and vote. MOST of these 20 somethings are just jumping on a band wagon and don't REALLY give a shit. They are still in college and haven't had to support themselves in a "real world".(certainly not speaking for ALL of them but I went to college and I remember what I was concerned with....boys not higher taxes).
if their candidate wins, they'll scream and yell "yea, WE won",and then say "let's get wasted and have sex."

as for his strength of creating "unity." Hardly, my husband (who supports Obama)and I (Hillary) have definitely NOT been unified. 8)
We are a mild case, if you read any message boards, you see very strong reactions and hateful, hurtful words being used against BOTH people. it's CRAZINESS.

wow, sorry for the novella here.

you've got to admit, this contest is completely about PERSONALITY because their policies are almost identical.

7:37 AM

Blogger leomange said...

While I respect your opinion, I couldn't disagree more. The Dems have made this bed, and it's their's to lay in. Just because it didn't work out how they thought, the punishment should stand. Did Oregon move their primary up from May? No. People in Oregon didn't think they'd matter either, but due to unexpected circumstance, Oregon will count in the delegate race.

As for what's so great about the youth getting out and voting, they normally are about sex and drinking, but this year they feel strongly about a candidate (while still, I'm sure, feeling strongly about sex and booze). It's saying something if a candidate can mobilize a historically apathetic group. Ms. Clinton has the support of people who already support the Democratic candidate, be they Clinton, Obama, Kerry or Gore (not to mention Ferraro--ugh). She inspires no one, because she's all about the politics of the past (to borrow from Obama's phraseology).

And when you listen to your husband and realize that Obama's the last great hope at re-claiming the White House, Obama will have reunited you two... ;^)

As for me, I don't see Ms. Clinton as any sort of help or change, just more of the same. Once more, I have no illusions that Obama will be perfect, just better. And hope is going to be in short supply once the reality of this economy becomes obvious to the Nation... hope may be all we have left.

12:49 PM

Blogger mosaica said...

I tend to agree with your little parenting lesson that Michigan and Florida should just get over it. As should the DNC. Lay in the bed you've made or get a new one. But don't change the rules mid-game just because it's the fourth quarter.

And I think personality is probably the most important aspect of this presidential race. Namely that whomeever wins will most likely have a personality antithetical to W's.

One that is open first and foremost. Open to change. Open to honesty. Open to admitting mistakes. Open to the people and to the rest of the government. Open to working instead of lounging at the ranch. Open to the world and making a community out of the planet instead of just your supporters.

And openness is something that Obama has in spades. Hillary has so completely closed herself off in order to compete with the good old boys that I'm not sure she knows how to be open anymore.

He won't be perfect as you say, but that's fine with me. As long as he's open and present with the people and world, that's a good place to start.

9:37 AM

Blogger leomange said...

Can't argue with that!

11:28 PM

Blogger Helskel said...

will someone Pleeease start the revolution!

11:34 AM


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