reflections on music, politics, life, scenes and dreams

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Pennsylvania went to Clinton by ten points. The cynical, disingenuous, war-mongering centrist democrat who inspires the poor, uneducated, old, and superstitious with her 109-million-dollar everyman act has lived to campaign another day. She hammered on Obama with claims that he's elitist due to his observation of bitterness in this country's lower and middle classes. I'm (about) middle class, and hell yes, I'm bitter. I'm bitter about people voting us into war and beating the obliterating Iran drums. And I'm bitter that her shill Stephanopolous helped Charlie Gibson waste the first half of the most-watched debate with pointless, Fox-worthy, side issues, while ignoring the real issues that are going to matter for the next 4-8, 50-100 years; like health care, the environment, the war, education, and the economy, just to name a few. And she has the gall to say of Rev. Wright he "would not have been my pastor", while conveniently forgetting her husband's previous association with the good reverend. Who, by the way, did quite a lot of good from his post when he wasn't providing the right wing with a minute and a half of youtube fodder.

So the xenophobic, gun-owning, blue collar, anything-but-bitter set got more infighting with the Dems. And she still clings to Michigan and Florida when saying that she has the lead in popular votes!?


Obama wasn't on the ballot in Michigan and didn't campaign in Florida. Either of those cases being different and I'm sure he would have had a better showing.

I've heard Clinton supporters say that if HRC doesn't get the nomination, they'll vote for McCain. I don't find either to be acceptable choices. Clinton's supposed to be on my side (i.e., the left), but I don't see it. And of all the lying candidates, she's been proven to be the lying-est. At least I can believe John McCain's words and actions will be somewhat consistent... unfortunately, he's wrong and dangerous.

It's clear there is no choice if the "choice" is between Clinton and McCain.

Ugh. Eff Pennsylvania.


Blogger Helskel said...

I saw Obama on The Daily Show.

So now I think he's cool. worries, mate:

An ice age cometh;

Mr. O will be elected; and

the world will be so short on
food and oil by 2009, war be impossible to pursue, or impossible to avoid (hard to tell on that one, the eightball is undecided).

So sure, F the Penn land. It's east of the misissisppsisiii, right?

7:46 AM

Blogger leomange said...

Yep, I'll be squatting in your garden with a shotgun in hand before we know it!

10:18 AM


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